MPfm - Change Log MPfm - (Released 2011-05-09) [ View Issues ] ==================================== - 0000096: [Player] Files different than 16-bit 44.1kHz Stereo crash in gapless mode (ycastonguay) - resolved. - 0000095: [Player] The song play counts aren't updated (ycastonguay) - resolved. - 0000099: [Player] Passing from a gapless sequence to another doesn't work very well (ycastonguay) - resolved. - 0000086: [UI | Windows | Playlist] When a user double clicks a song after scrolling down the window, the scrollbar returns to top (ycastonguay) - resolved. - 0000092: [UI | Windows | Playlist] Add a "Delete playlist" option (ycastonguay) - resolved. [5 issues]