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    PID # CategorySeverityStatusUpdatedSummary
  0000388 [MPfm]
MVP | Presenters
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2013-02-23Add view/presenter for Edit Metadata user interface (IEditMetadataPresenter/IEditMetadataView)
MVP | Presenters
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2013-02-23Add view/presenter for Playlist user interface (IPlaylistPresenter/IPlaylistView)
MVP | Presenters
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2013-02-23Add view/presenter for desktop Song Browser (ISongBrowserPresenter/ISongBrowserView)
MVP | Presenters
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2013-02-23Add view/presenter for desktop Library Browser (ILibraryBrowserPresenter/ILibraryBrowserView)
(No Category)
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-12-19Implement the MPfm.MVP views in a lightweight console application
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-09-21Add configuration classes to retreive important paths and configuration values throughout the application
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-09-21Add a Bootstrapper static class and NinjectModule for configuring Ninject and Automapper
majorassigned (ycastonguay)2012-08-21When changing the player position, the reported position sometimes has a wrong offset for a fraction of a second
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-08-21Review the XML comments and start using standards for summaries
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-07-03Add unit testing with NUnit
  0000380 [MPfm]
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-06-09Add the Moq mocking library for mocking objects for unit testing
  0000383 [MPfm]
UI | Windows
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-06-09Implement the MPfm.MVP views in System.Windows.Forms (Windows)
  0000352 [MPfm]
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-27Create a queue system for interacting with SQLite with multiple threads
  0000196 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Main Window | Song Browser
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-27Let users change the order of the playlist items by dragging items
  0000358 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Main Window | Song Browser
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-08Add an advanced filter to filter audio files by property or tag values
  0000346 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Add/Edit Marker
crashassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-08If the song is different than the song currently playing, the "Punch in" and "Go to" buttons should not work
  0000347 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Add/Edit Loop
crashassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-08If the song is different than the song currently playing, the "Punch in" and "Go to" buttons should not work
  0000267 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Edit Metadata
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-01Enable metadata editing for multiple audio files
  0000164 [MPfm]
crashassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-01Disable time shifting for audio cards that are not compatible
  0000195 [MPfm]
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-01The output meter should display the post-fader volume
  0000091 [MPfm]
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-01Make a custom ProgressBar control
  0000329 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Main Window
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-05-01Replace the "Update Library" toolbar button by "Library" and add a contextual menu
UI | Windows | Playlist
majorresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-29Filling the Open Playlist > Library Playlists sub menus is extremely slow with large number of items
UI | Windows | Settings
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-29Revamp the Settings window
UI | Windows | Settings
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-29Audio Settings: Create Mixer panels for each driver (DirectSound, ASIO, WASAPI)
crashresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-29Crash while updating the library and playing a song at the same time (transition to next song)
UI | Windows
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Add tooltips to most controls
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Add a PaintHelper static class to regroup rendering code
UI | Windows
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Use the FlowLayoutPanel and TableLayoutPanel controls to group controls
UI | Mac | Add/Edit Marker
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Revamp the Add/Edit Marker Window
UI | Windows | Add/Edit Loop
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Revamp the Add/Edit Loop Window
UI | Windows | Main Window
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Add a different timer for updating the Song Position panel controls
  0000342 [MPfm]
UI | Windows | Main Window
minorassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-28The time shifting value is not updated when using the Previous Song or Next Song buttons
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Add a user manual, in form of a help file (CHM) and a help web site (/manual)
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-28Add a custom FlowLayoutPanel control and TableLayoutPanel control to render custom background
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-27Implement AutoSize on the Label, LinkLabel and Button controls
UI | Windows | Main Window
majorresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-25Changing the sound format filter without clicking the Library tree view results in wrong audio file playback
UI | Windows | Main Window
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Remove the status bar
  0000307 [MPfm]
UI | Windows
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add themes (only for the Windows platform)
UI | Mac
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add a MonoMac project to the solution (for Mac OS X)
UI | Linux
featureresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add a GTK# project to the solution (for Linux)
UI | Windows | Themes
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add a Theme window
  0000330 [MPfm]
UI | Windows
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add a ApplyTheme method in each window to apply a theme
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add the MainWindowTheme and SecondaryWindowTheme classes for storing theme settings
  0000341 [MPfm]
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms) | Embedded Fonts
featureassigned (ycastonguay)2012-04-24Add color selector to custom Edit Font dialog
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
majorresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-22For all custom controls, make sure the resources are disposed properly in the OnPaint event
  0000076 [MPfm]
UI | Custom Controls | Windows (WinForms)
tweakresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-22The time display differs in the different controls of MPfm
  0000055 [MPfm]
UI | Windows
tweakresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-22Delete the unused forms that will be redesigned later from MPfm project
  0000049 [MPfm]
UI | Windows
tweakresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-22Remove/hide the unused windows in the application startup
UI | Windows
blockresolved (ycastonguay)2012-04-22The application doesn't run on Windows 7 unless it is run as an administrator
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