Mantis Bug Tracker

Import 2013-02-06 21:10:00: master 157a6a86 Diff ] Back to Repository ]
Author Committer Branch Timestamp Parent
animal animal master 2013-01-28 23:16:58 master 9193f858
Changeset MPfm Windows: Updated WinForms project after major namespace refactoring in one of the last check-ins.
Library: Added a second implementation of Gateway, for Mono.Data.Sqlite. Useful for Android.
Android: Added Update Library dialog, which works very well so far.
NavigationManager: Updated implementation for Android.

Related to issue 0000406.

git-svn-id: http://hamster-svn/svn/repos/base@687 [^] 765c1f7c-9fb8-954f-9ff8-dd0915cb3117
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/BaseActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SplashActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/TabPagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/BaseFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/ApplicationState.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/GenericListItem.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/fade_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/fade_out.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Fragment_UpdateLibrary.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Splash.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/main_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/IMPfmGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/IDatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/MPfmGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Database/MonoSQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/ILibrary.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/AsyncCtpLibrary.dll Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/AsyncCtpLibrary.xml Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/System.Reactive.dll Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Lib/taglib-sharp.dll Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/Library.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrapper/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/ConfigurationHelper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/NavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MainPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/UpdateLibraryPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Services/UpdateLibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.MVP/Views/IUpdateLibraryView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFile.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/branches/current/MPfm.Sound/PeakFile.cs Diff ] File ]

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