Mantis Bug Tracker

Changesets: GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm Browse ] Back to Index ]
master 11f2315f
Timestamp: 2013-09-17 21:06:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsPhone: Project now building correct for ARM and deploying to WP8 successfully. Woohoo!

Related to issue 0000424.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/WinRTSQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MPfm.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm_WindowsPhone.sln Diff ] File ]
master b6991684
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 21:26:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Yet another new layout for the mini playlist; it is much better than the other layouts. Fixed all bugs in PlaylistCell layout. Added glyph for disabled select in dialogs.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/selectimage_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_select_disabled.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master 24d72642
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 19:24:51
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated mini playlist design.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master 07d12608
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 17:54:54
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Adjusted all UITableViewCell heights to 52 to match Android height. This will also leave space for loading the album art in the Artist cells.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/EqualizerPresetsViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MobileLibraryBrowserViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MoreViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/PreferencesViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncMenuViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmTableViewCell.cs Diff ] File ]
master 95101fcf
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 17:29:47
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Updated project after changes on other platforms.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MobileLibraryBrowserViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
master 56d61554
Timestamp: 2013-09-16 16:44:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added saving playlist items.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/IDatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/PlaylistAudioFile.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ILibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/PlaylistUpdatedMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlaylistEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerStatusPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerStatusView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/Playlist.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/PlaylistItem.cs Diff ] File ]
master 09c73aaa
Timestamp: 2013-09-15 22:37:26
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Playlists can now be saved in the database (but not their items yet). Added 1.06 database script. Fixed bug in database gateway field mapping.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddNewPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Core/DatabaseFieldMap.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/IDatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/Interfaces/ISQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/MonoSQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Scripts/1.05-1.06.sql Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ILibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/LibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AddNewPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Playlists/Playlist.cs Diff ] File ]
master 98c7af64
Timestamp: 2013-09-15 18:00:29
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SelectPlaylistPresenter/View and AddNewPlaylistPresenter/View. Those fragments are now using the presenter. These fragments are now created inside presenters. They are still using dummy data though.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddNewPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseDialogFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_in.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Bootstrap/Bootstrapper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/PlaylistEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AddNewPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IAddNewPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SelectPlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IAddNewPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISelectPlaylistView.cs Diff ] File ]
master 6400ea76
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 19:14:45
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added spinner in MainActivity to select playlist.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/playlist_spinner_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master ff14f73e
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 18:40:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Replaced Cancel/Select glyphs for dialogs.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
master 93563788
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 18:29:02
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added glyphs for cancel and select. Added AddNewPlaylist dialog fragment with layout.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/AddNewPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AddNewPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/dialogbutton_text.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_cancel.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_select.png Diff ] File ]
master b462400d
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 17:54:38
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added dialog for selecting playlist. The playlist list view is has dummy data for now.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlaylistActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistItemListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/PlaylistListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SelectPlaylistFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/dialogbutton_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlaylistItemCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SelectPlaylist.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/dialoglist_text.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Lib/WindowsPhone/x86/taglib-sharp.dll Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
master fd25dc52
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 15:15:00
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsPhone: Built taglib-sharp successfully for WindowsPhone. Not fully tested, but it loads MP3 files correctly. However, taglib-sharp will need to be migrated to async IO for WindowsStore. Still very much encouraging!

Related to issue 0000424.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/Lib/WindowsPhone/taglib-sharp.dll Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
master 1978ccd8
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 14:19:56
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsStore/WindowsPhone: Unfortunately, taglib-sharp doesn't work since it's not built for WinRT. A special build will be necessary (similar to TinyIoC).

Related to issue 0000423 and issue 0000424.
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Core/Helpers/FileHelper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/AudioFiles/AudioFile.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/Main.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/Package.appxmanifest Diff ] File ]
master fb3c46ac
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 12:18:27
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsPhone: Now bootstrapping the application using TinyIoC PCL assembly. That is really great news because this confirms that TinyIoC can be used on all platforms. Woohoo!

Related to issue 0000424.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/ConfigurationHelper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/App.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/Classes/WindowsPhoneSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MPfm.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MainPage.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/Properties/WMAppManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
master e8e56032
Timestamp: 2013-09-14 11:50:40
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsStore: Now bootstrapping the application using TinyIoC (no NavigationManager yet). This means TinyIoC PCL works fine under WindowsStore!

Related to issue 0000423.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/SyncDevice.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/App.xaml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/App.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/Classes/WindowsStoreSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/MPfm.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/Main.xaml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/Main.xaml.cs Diff ] File ]
master 09e05437
Timestamp: 2013-09-12 17:45:08
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsPhone: Project now building with MPfm.MVP; same status as WindowsStore.

Related to issue 0000424.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/WinRT/SyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/WinRT/PeakFileService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsPhone/MPfm.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm_WindowsPhone.sln Diff ] File ]
master c84893f1
Timestamp: 2013-09-12 17:36:37
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsStore: MPfm.MVP now builds correctly. It is still missing some implementations though. Removed Library and ILibrary from MPfm.Library; these legacy classes are no longer used since Windows uses the new MVP architecture. The methods for database creation have been moved into InitializationService.

Related to issue 0000423.
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ILibrary.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Library.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/UpdateLibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/WinRT/UpdateLibraryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/IPlayer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Player/WinRT/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/WinRT/PeakFileService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmMain.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/MPfm.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
master ba56a7c5
Timestamp: 2013-09-12 16:45:05
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsStore: Added new overloads to Tracing in MPfm.Core. Updated more classes for WinRT (some with comments for now). All classes in MVP now use Tracing.Log instead of Console.WriteLine.

Related to issue 0000423.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/Tracing.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncListenerService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/WinRT/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/WinRT/SyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/WinRT/SyncListenerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/ConfigurationHelper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Helpers/EQPresetHelper.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/NavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetDetailsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/EqualizerPresetsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/LibraryPreferencesPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MarkerDetailsPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MarkersPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PitchShiftingPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerStatusPresenter.cs.orig Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlaylistPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/TimeShiftingPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/InitializationService.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerStatusView.cs.orig Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetWrapper/Exception.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/MPfm.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm_WindowsStore.sln Diff ] File ]
master f4f29354
Timestamp: 2013-09-10 22:56:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsPhone: MPfm.Library can now be built correctly (same status as WinRT).

Related to issue 0000424.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsPhone.csproj Diff ] File ]
master 36f7a1f3
Timestamp: 2013-09-10 22:48:34
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
WindowsStore: MPfm.Library now builds correctly. However, the WinRT implementation of DatabaseFacade is not completed yet.

Related to issue 0000423.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Core/MPfm.Core.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/DatabaseFacade.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Database/WinRTSQLiteGateway.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/packages.config Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.WindowsStore/MPfm.WindowsStore.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm_WindowsStore.sln Diff ] File ]
master 1c82b8c3
Timestamp: 2013-09-10 21:07:27
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added ViewHolder pattern and fixed bugs for secondary menu of ListView and GridView of MobileLibraryBrowser. Fixed several bugs with album art in Artist cell. Added logic to IPlayerStatusView; now used by LockScreenActivity and MainActivity. Splash screen is now hidden correctly after second app start.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/LockScreenActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/scale_test.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerStatusPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IPlayerStatusView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Events/PlayerPlaylistIndexChangedData.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - ProjectSync/Main.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - Setup/license.txt Diff ] File ]
mod - Setup/setup.iss Diff ] File ]
master b5529bbd
Timestamp: 2013-09-08 18:41:13
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed look of secondary menu in Artist cell. Now aligned with album art. However adding ImageButton seems to have blocked selecting the cell when the buttons are visible (just like the grid view...)

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master c6523739
Timestamp: 2013-09-08 02:50:54
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Album art preview in Artist cells is now fully dynamic. I must admit the result is really awesome and much better than I thought. This feature is at the same time a "really nice to have" but also a very nice eye candy addition. This should be easy to add on iPad later.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Models/LibraryBrowserEntity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master 04f49d26
Timestamp: 2013-09-08 02:14:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added album art of each artist in Artist cell in MobileLibraryBrowser. It is way faster than I thought with a gradient over album art. The content isn't 100% dynamic yet. Several layout bug fixes throughout the app.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Drawable/listgradient_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/LibraryPreferences.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
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