Mantis Bug Tracker

Changesets: GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm Browse ] Back to Index ]
master bd46b05c
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 20:38:18
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Updated project after iOS changes in MobileNavigationManager. Confirmed that the project can be built and published to a aligned and signed release APK.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
master 7b79fc5a
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 20:16:50
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Updated sync views after changes on Android. The sync download can now be canceled. Fixed bugs in MobileNavigationManager. Updated iOSSyncDeviceSpecifications with new methods. Fixed bugs in SyncClientService.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ISyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncListenerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/AboutViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/Base/BaseViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/PlayerViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncDownloadViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncMenuViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmNavigationController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Helpers/iOSSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Navigation/iOSNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
master 2d7d71b0
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 18:46:20
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Refactored how the ViewPager for the MainActivity returns the fragments. The previous recipe wasn't working well with backstacking. The navigation manager now keeps a history of the main parameters the mobile library browser in order to be able to recreate the fragment when necessary. Will require minor changes on iOS.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PreferencesPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master 7f82bf59
Timestamp: 2013-07-17 19:12:19
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added more icons for action bar actions. Fixed several bugs in sync layout screens. Now downloading audio files into subdirectories. Added About Sessions screen.

Related to issue 0000406.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/AboutActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Clients/MyWebViewClient.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/About.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncDownload.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresets_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_download.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/AboutPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IAboutView.cs Diff ] File ]
master e387e42b
Timestamp: 2013-07-16 23:01:45
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added icons for all syncable device types. SyncDownload activity is now fully functional; there is however a performance bug because the timer refreshes the download progress too often. Fixed list view dividers in all screens.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_android.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_linux.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_osx.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_phone.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_tablet.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_windows.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncDownloadView.cs Diff ] File ]
master 7107d2b8
Timestamp: 2013-07-16 21:55:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Added cancelling to SyncDiscoveryService.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/Interfaces/ISyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/PeakFiles/PeakFileService.cs Diff ] File ]
master d637f969
Timestamp: 2013-07-16 17:18:08
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added layout for SyncDownload activity. Added checkbox, artist and album icons for all Android pixel densities.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncDownload.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/checkbox_checked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/checkbox_partial.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/checkbox_unchecked.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_artist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_vinyl.png Diff ] File ]
master 6baad04e
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 20:47:40
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SyncDownloadActivity (empty for now). SyncMenuActivity is now fully working except for item selection and missing glyphs for artists/albums/songs/checkmarks.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncDownloadFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master e261e1d8
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 20:08:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added SyncWebBrowser view/activity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncWebBrowserActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncWebBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileOptionsMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncWebBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master 5a744ac2
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 19:42:10
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed regression bug; the fragments would send a OnViewReady event even when the fragment is reactivated (i.e. not destroyed).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
master e926aa15
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 19:15:23
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Merge branch 'master' of [^]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/PlayerViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
master 85989438
Timestamp: 2013-07-15 19:14:58
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed layout for Sync screen. Sync screen is fully functional. Added layout for SyncMenu screen. SyncMenu is partly functional. Added free space detection in AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications. Fixed bug in free space calculation in SyncMenuPresenter.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncMenuListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncMenuFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master ca8495b8
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 21:43:53
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Fixed player position change which was sometimes wrong because the touches ended event sometimes returns a different value than touches moved.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/Player.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/PlayerViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
master f73655ec
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 19:49:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added album art loading from presenter in MobileLibraryBrowser. Another Android WTF: GetView in a list adapter gets called very often (especially position 0), so the album art loading is disabled for now. Why can't you optimize your code, Google? Do you expect developers always to get around your stupid bugs? This is happening WAY too often.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master bafc706d
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 18:11:16
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed MobileLibraryBrowserFragment to a simple Fragment instead of ListFragment. Added grid view to MobileLibraryBrowserFragment for albums (the album art isn't loaded yet though).

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseListFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master c811cb1a
Timestamp: 2013-07-11 16:56:41
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Now refreshing fragments when clicking on the player bar in the Main Activity.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/Base/BaseFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MarkersFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/PlayerMetadataFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerMetadataPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PlayerPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master d9eb511a
Timestamp: 2013-07-10 20:35:45
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Windows: Commented/removed much of the code in all forms. It will be easier later to restore the older code that might still be useful (UI-related code).

Related to issue 0000422.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmAddEditLoop.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmAddEditMarker.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmEditSongMetadata.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmEffects.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmFirstRun.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmMain.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmPlaylist.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmSettings.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/frmUpdateLibraryStatus.cs Diff ] File ]
master 3fd6c5a8
Timestamp: 2013-07-10 20:08:38
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Windows: Moved pretty much every file of the project into new subfolders.

Related to issue 0000422.
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Configuration/Audio/AudioDeviceConfigurationSection.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/MPfm.Windows.csproj Diff ] File ]
master e7bd8f41
Timestamp: 2013-07-10 20:00:49
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Windows: Added WindowsNavigationManager. The app startup now uses the navigation manager to create views. This is the beginning of the Windows UI refactoring!

Related to issue 0000422.
add - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Forms/BaseForm.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Navigation/WindowsNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Classes/Specifications/WindowsSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/MPfm.Windows.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/Program.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/frmMain.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Windows/frmSplash.cs Diff ] File ]
master cc140c29
Timestamp: 2013-07-09 22:00:17
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added list adapter for equalizer presets; can now select, add and edit presets.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetFadersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetsListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master e8d377a4
Timestamp: 2013-07-09 21:43:32
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added UI for EqualizerPresetDetails with all hooks to presenter.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetFadersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetFaderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Splash.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresetdetails_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
master ea8ef3ed
Timestamp: 2013-07-08 13:07:42
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Fixed scroll view bug after upgrading to iOS 7 Beta 3.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/PlayerViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
master a19ffa74
Timestamp: 2013-07-07 23:13:24
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Added wave form scroll view autoscroll when changing the secondary position (i.e. changing the song position). More bug fixes for wave form controls.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/PlayerViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormScaleView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormScrollView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
master 9fab84ba
Timestamp: 2013-07-07 20:22:21
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Added several scales to wave form scale view. Now scaling up when the tick width is too low. Several bug fixes; the last minute tick count is now calculated correctly and the user interaction on the scroll view is now blocked when loading a wave form or when generating a peak file.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormScaleView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormScrollView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Managers/WaveFormCacheManager.cs Diff ] File ]
master 022b8902
Timestamp: 2013-07-07 19:15:32
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Wave form scale now switches scales from 1 minute, 30 seconds, 10 seconds and 1 second. Will need to add another scale at around 5 seconds later. Still a lot of minor bugs but at least the scale system is now working.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controls/MPfmWaveFormScaleView.cs Diff ] File ]
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