Mantis Bug Tracker

Changesets: GitHub - ycastonguay/MPfm Browse ] Back to Index ]
master 84a5b919
Timestamp: 2013-08-12 20:50:34
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Linux: Updated project after changes on other platforms.

Related to issue 0000382.
add - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Classes/LinuxSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Classes/Main.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Classes/Navigation/GtkNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/MPfm.GTK.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Windows/MainWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Windows/PlaylistWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Windows/PreferencesWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Windows/SplashWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Windows/SyncWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.GTK/Windows/UpdateLibraryWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
master 595448e2
Timestamp: 2013-08-11 11:11:05
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Mac: Merged Play/Pause/Stop button.

Related to issue 0000311 and issue 0000381.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/MainWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/MainWindow.designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/XIB/MainWindow.xib Diff ] File ]
master 1de35020
Timestamp: 2013-08-11 10:43:49
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Mac: Updated project with latest changes. Added SyncMenu and SyncDownload windows with controls but without connecting the presenters yet.

Related to issue 0000381.
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/button_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/list_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/NavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/LibraryPreferencesPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IDesktopPreferencesView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Classes/Delegates/AppDelegate.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Classes/MacSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Classes/Navigation/MacNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/MPfm.Mac.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/PlaylistWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/PreferencesWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/SplashWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/SyncDownloadWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/SyncMenuWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/Controllers/SyncWindowController.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/SyncDownloadWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/SyncDownloadWindow.designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/SyncMenuWindow.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/SyncMenuWindow.designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/SyncWindow.designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/XIB/SyncDownloadWindow.xib Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/XIB/SyncMenuWindow.xib Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Mac/Windows/XIB/SyncWindow.xib Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MyBassNetKey.cs Diff ] File ]
master 05066fd6
Timestamp: 2013-08-01 23:03:14
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added spinner adapter for action bar. Started implementing the output meter view.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainSpinnerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/OutputMeterView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/spinner_dropdown_item.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/StringArray.xml Diff ] File ]
master f48fd4f3
Timestamp: 2013-08-01 22:02:28
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Finally found the right recipe (so far) for updating the widget with player information. It even loads the album art now! However, the buttons aren't clickable yet.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidgetProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master 314c474a
Timestamp: 2013-07-31 19:12:16
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed layout bugs on Equalizer Preset screens. Implemented drawing for Equalizer Preset Graph View. Fixed several bugs in Equalizer Preset logic. Added selector for buttons. Added prototype for Wi-fi Direct and Network Device Discovery for Android 4.1+.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetDetailsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetFadersListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/EqualizerPresetGraphView.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/ActionListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/DiscoveryListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/PeerListListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/RegistrationListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Listeners/ResolveListener.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/WifiDirectReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/AndroidDiscoveryService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetFaderCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncManualConnect.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/button_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/list_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
master e2768f45
Timestamp: 2013-07-30 21:38:42
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed layout bugs in Equalizer Preset and Equalizer Preset Details layouts. Added list selector for all white background lists. Replaced bitmaps for checkmark and action bar save.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/EqualizerPresetsActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/EqualizerPresetsListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenuCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Colors.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/list_secondarytext.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/color/list_text.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable/list_selector.xml Diff ] File ]
master b47bfe2e
Timestamp: 2013-07-30 19:17:41
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed mininum SDK version and added block to load Android 4.1+ stuff on MainActivity. Works on Android 4.0.3 and 4.1.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
master 24f444b2
Timestamp: 2013-07-29 20:31:30
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: Updated project after changes on Android.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/PreferencesPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/MobileLibraryBrowserViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Navigation/iOSNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
master 500200f5
Timestamp: 2013-07-29 19:22:25
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]

Added more classes for bitmap cache, to try to reproduce the examples from Google, but they turn out slower than the previous implementation. I will leave them in the project for now.

Added a ViewFlipper in MobileLibraryBrowser layout to animate the transition between queries. Also added a breadcrumb.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/AsyncBitmapDrawable.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapLruCache.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapWorkerTask.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_back_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_back_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/flipper_slide_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
master 6f0d0d34
Timestamp: 2013-07-25 23:23:53
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added new long press contextual menu for MobileLibraryBrowser list view. Play and Delete buttons are functional. Added new sync actionbar icon. Lots of layout bug fixes in EqualizerPreset screens.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetDetails.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresets.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_sync.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/IMobileLibraryBrowserView.cs Diff ] File ]
master f699a5f6
Timestamp: 2013-07-25 20:16:56
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added a lot of new icons. Added buttons when long pressing the MobileLibraryBrowser list view items.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_in.xml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Anim/listviewoptions_fade_out.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/EqualizerPresetCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresetdetails_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/actionbar_save.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_add.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_check.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_equalizer.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_speaker.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/icon_trash.png Diff ] File ]
master b6afff84
Timestamp: 2013-07-25 18:26:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Renamed all icons for actionbar with the actionbar_ prefix instead of icon_.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/equalizerpresets_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/player_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Menu/syncmenu_menu.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
master e0b2c6bb
Timestamp: 2013-07-23 22:57:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Adjusted bitmap cache sizes depending on screen size, layout bug fixes in MobileLibraryBrowser, and now using SquareImageView when displaying album art throughout the application.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
master 4fd8d4a9
Timestamp: 2013-07-23 20:43:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed more memory leaks related to bitmaps. There might be other leaks but the new code seems to release most of the memory. Once again, I had to reimplement the way the ViewPager in the MainActivity handles the MobileLibraryBrowser fragments. This time the fragments are never actually replaced; the fragment is refreshed through the presenter instead. This fixes also the empty fragments often shown when changing fragments (clicking on an item or using the Back button). The ViewPager is one of the most buggiest control I've ever seen. Android never ceases to amaze me, every time! The iOS version will keep spawning new views as needed.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MainTabStatePagerAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Cache/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/IMobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/MobileLibraryBrowserPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master 591c564a
Timestamp: 2013-07-22 18:56:39
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bug in BitmapCache where the LruCache would not calculate the bitmap size correctly. This finally makes the cache able to flush the older bitmaps, but this doesn't completely fix the memory leaks related to bitmaps.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Objects/GenericListItem.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
master df565e70
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 23:21:13
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bugs in grid view adapter for MobileLibraryBrowser. Works pretty well now except for the memory leak.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
master e3a81c75
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 21:02:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed grid view layout to fill the album art exactly 2 columns to fit any device. It works now but as expected it creates a giant memory leak which will be fixed later. The wrong album art is also shown most of the time. Tried to setup an AlarmManager to update the widget more frequently but haven't found the right recipe yet.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserGridAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Controls/SquareImageView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Services/WidgetService.cs Diff ] File ]
rm - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidget.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Widgets/PlayerWidgetProvider.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/AlbumCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayer.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/WidgetPlayerLoading.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/xml/widget_player.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetKey.cs Diff ] File ]
master e0a4f515
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 17:50:44
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
iOS: ReachabilityHelper is now used to detect connection change and restart the HTTP server when wifi comes available. Updated views after changes on Android.
Updated project files after changes on Android.

Related to issue 0000405.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Player/MPfm.Player.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetKey.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.iOS.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SplashViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncDownloadViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncMenuViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Controllers/SyncViewController.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Helpers/ReachabilityHelper.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.iOS/Classes/Helpers/iOSSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
master 4945faa4
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 16:43:08
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added connection change receiver.
SyncDeviceSpecifications: Added event and method for connection change notifications.
SyncListenerServer: Now stopping the HTTP service when wifi is unavailable; starting the service again when wifi returns.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Application.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/AndroidSyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Receivers/ConnectionChangeReceiver.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Properties/AndroidManifest.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/ISyncDeviceSpecifications.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/MPfm.Library.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Objects/NetworkState.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncListenerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/MPfm.MVP.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Messages/ConnectionStatusChangedMessage.cs Diff ] File ]
master bffddb90
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 16:07:28
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Several layout bug fixes in Sync screens. Added layout for SyncManualConnect dialog. Moved limit progress timer from SyncDownloadActivity to SyncDownloadPresenter to re-use on iOS.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SyncManualConnectFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/UpdateLibraryFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Sync.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncManualConnect.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncMenu.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Values/Styles.xml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
master 8309f680
Timestamp: 2013-07-21 12:09:15
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Fixed bug in synchronization file path management. Fixed bug in loading bitmaps throughout the application (was always reloading the same album art because the key was too unique). More layout bug fixes.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Library/Services/SyncClientService.cs Diff ] File ]
master e1dacbd7
Timestamp: 2013-07-20 22:15:07
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Added images for all player-related buttons. Added previous/play/pause/next buttons to player bar in MainActivity. Updated backgrounds for all slides of Player view so that the PlayerMetadata fragment is partially transparent.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/PlayerActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Loops.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Markers.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PitchShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Player.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/PlayerMetadata.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/TimeShifting.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-hdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-mdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_next.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_next_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_pause.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_pause_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_play.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_play_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_playlist_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_previous.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_previous_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_repeat_on.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle.png Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/drawable-xxhdpi/player_shuffle_on.png Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
master c124f562
Timestamp: 2013-07-19 15:20:00
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Partially fixed coming back into the application after a MainActivity destruction.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/SplashFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SplashPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/Interfaces/IPlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Services/PlayerService.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISplashView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/BassNetKey.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Sound/MPfm.Sound.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
master b9dec160
Timestamp: 2013-07-18 23:20:57
Author: ycastonguay
Details ] Diff ]
Android: Changed parameters for view creation of SyncMenu and SyncDownload in MobileNavigationManager. This allows the view to know more about the device (i.e. display device name in action bar on Android). Added layout for MobileLibraryBrowserCell. Added album panel to MobileLibraryBrowser layout. Now loading album art in mini player. Multiple layout bug fixes.

Related to issue 0000406.
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/MainActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncDownloadActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Activities/SyncMenuActivity.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/MobileLibraryBrowserListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Adapters/SyncListAdapter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Fragments/MobileLibraryBrowserFragment.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Helpers/BitmapCache.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Classes/Navigation/AndroidNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/MPfm.Android.csproj Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/GenericCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/Main.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowser.axml Diff ] File ]
add - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/MobileLibraryBrowserCell.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Layout/SyncDownload.axml Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.Android/Resources/Resource.Designer.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Navigation/MobileNavigationManager.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/Interfaces/ISyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncDownloadPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncMenuPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Presenters/SyncPresenter.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncDownloadView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncMenuView.cs Diff ] File ]
mod - MPfm/MPfm.MVP/Views/ISyncView.cs Diff ] File ]
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