MPfm: Music Player for Musicians - Developer Documentation -
GetRoundedRect Method (baseRect, radius)
NamespacesMPfm.WindowsControlsToolsGetRoundedRect(RectangleF, Single)
Gets a rectangle with rounded corners based on the rectangle passed in parameter.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public static GraphicsPath GetRoundedRect(
	RectangleF baseRect,
	float radius
Public Shared Function GetRoundedRect ( _
	baseRect As RectangleF, _
	radius As Single _
) As GraphicsPath
baseRect (RectangleF)
Base Rectangle
radius (Single)
Radio (for rounded corners)
Return Value
Rectangle (with rounded corners, GraphicsPath)

Assembly: MPfm.WindowsControls (Module: MPfm.WindowsControls) Version: (