MPfm: Music Player for Musicians - Developer Documentation -
ToPCM Method (bytes, bitsPerSample, channelCount)
NamespacesMPfm.SoundConvertAudioToPCM(Int64, UInt32, Int32)
Converts to the PCM (samples) format.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public static long ToPCM(
	long bytes,
	uint bitsPerSample,
	int channelCount
Public Shared Function ToPCM ( _
	bytes As Long, _
	bitsPerSample As UInteger, _
	channelCount As Integer _
) As Long
bytes (Int64)
Value (in bytes)
bitsPerSample (UInt32)
Bits per sample (ex: 16-bit)
channelCount (Int32)
Number of channels
Return Value
PCM (samples)

Assembly: MPfm.Sound (Module: MPfm.Sound) Version: (