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CreateMixerStream Method (frequency, numberOfChannels, useFloatingPoint, useDecode)
NamespacesMPfm.Sound.BassNetWrapperMixerChannelCreateMixerStream(Int32, Int32, Boolean, Boolean)
Creates a mixer stream from one or multiple source channels.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public static MixerChannel CreateMixerStream(
	int frequency,
	int numberOfChannels,
	bool useFloatingPoint,
	bool useDecode
Public Shared Function CreateMixerStream ( _
	frequency As Integer, _
	numberOfChannels As Integer, _
	useFloatingPoint As Boolean, _
	useDecode As Boolean _
) As MixerChannel
frequency (Int32)
Frequency (sample rate)
numberOfChannels (Int32)
Number of channels (mono = 1, stereo = 2)
useFloatingPoint (Boolean)
Indicates if the channel should use floating point
useDecode (Boolean)
Indicates if the channel should be a decode channel
Return Value
Channel object

Assembly: MPfm.Sound (Module: MPfm.Sound) Version: (