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GetVUMeterValue Method (history, bufferSizeToAnalyse, channelType)
NamespacesMPfm.SoundAudioToolsGetVUMeterValue(List<(Of <<'(WaveDataMinMax>)>>), Int32, ChannelType)
This method takes a min/max wave data structure to analyse it and return a value that can be used in output/VU meters. It uses "easing" to create a "fallout" visual effect.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public static float GetVUMeterValue(
	List<WaveDataMinMax> history,
	int bufferSizeToAnalyse,
	ChannelType channelType
Public Shared Function GetVUMeterValue ( _
	history As List(Of WaveDataMinMax), _
	bufferSizeToAnalyse As Integer, _
	channelType As ChannelType _
) As Single
history (List<(Of <(<'WaveDataMinMax>)>)>)
Min/max wave data structure to analyse
bufferSizeToAnalyse (Int32)
Size of buffer to analyse
channelType (ChannelType)
Channel type to analyse
Return Value
Value "eased" in to use with an output meter (volume in dB)

Assembly: MPfm.Sound (Module: MPfm.Sound) Version: (