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GetMinMaxFromWaveData Method (waveDataLeft, waveDataRight, convertNegativeToPositive)
NamespacesMPfm.SoundAudioToolsGetMinMaxFromWaveData(array<Single>[]()[][], array<Single>[]()[][], Boolean)
This method takes the left channel and right channel wave raw data and analyses it to get the maximum and minimum values in the float structure. It returns a data structure named WaveDataMinMax (see class description for more information). Negative values can be converted to positive values before min and max comparaison. Set this parameter to true for output meters and false for wave form display controls.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public static WaveDataMinMax GetMinMaxFromWaveData(
	float[] waveDataLeft,
	float[] waveDataRight,
	bool convertNegativeToPositive
Public Shared Function GetMinMaxFromWaveData ( _
	waveDataLeft As Single(), _
	waveDataRight As Single(), _
	convertNegativeToPositive As Boolean _
) As WaveDataMinMax
waveDataLeft (array<Single>[]()[][])
Raw wave data (left channel)
waveDataRight (array<Single>[]()[][])
Raw wave data (right channel)
convertNegativeToPositive (Boolean)
Convert negative values to positive values (ex: true when used for output meters, false when used with wave form display controls (since the negative value is used to draw the bottom end of the waveform).
Return Value
WaveDataMinMax data structure

Assembly: MPfm.Sound (Module: MPfm.Sound) Version: (