MPfm: Music Player for Musicians - Developer Documentation -
ConvertRawWaveValueToDecibels Method (rawValue)
This method converts a raw wave value (range: -1 to 1) to actual decibels. Decibels are measured using an exponential scale. -100dB is total silence. -60dB is usually the noise floor. When the signal reaches or goes past 0.0dB it is considered distortioning. The decibel range returned is -100dB to 10dB.
Declaration Syntax
C#Visual Basic
public static float ConvertRawWaveValueToDecibels(
	float rawValue
Public Shared Function ConvertRawWaveValueToDecibels ( _
	rawValue As Single _
) As Single
rawValue (Single)
Raw wave value (ranging from -1 to 1)
Return Value
Raw value converted into decibels

Assembly: MPfm.Sound (Module: MPfm.Sound) Version: (